Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Interview With Cylus

Today We’re joined by Josh from Cylus who will be Headlining our First Gig at The Brunswick Cellar
Bar on the 10th of September! They have recently announced their New Debut Album REAPER that
will be released on Friday 18th October 2019.

So Cylus, Tell us a bit about yourself? When did you start and how did you form? Did you know each
other prior? What would say makes your band different?

“We formed in October 2017 less than a month after starting our first year at university. Originally
we started as a Rage Against The Machine cover band but quickly became an original band after only a few rehearsals when we noticed the chemistry we all had together. We didn’t know each other before starting the band and it’s been amazing becoming great friends along the way! I’d say what makes Cylus stand out is we don’t stick to one (sub) genre - our debut album ‘REAPER’ covers nu-metal, rap metal, metalcore, groove metal, death metal and rock. I’m blessed to be working with the amazing musicians that make up the rest of the band, we’re all so comfortable together so we play to the song as opposed to tickling our own egos.”

What do you hope to achieve through your band? Any inspirations or targets?

“We hope to one day be able to make a living from this. We’re all so on the same page and have recognised that if we keep working hard we can make something great from this. A long way to go so the short term goals is just to keep gigging and start touring, keep writing and making as many contacts within the industry as we can.”

Who would you say are your biggest influences?

Gojira. Without a doubt have influenced this band more than any other artist so far. We’re all big fans of them and if you don’t know their music, go and listen now, you won’t be let down! Also Lamb of God, big up them for being sick.”

Where did the name Cylus come from?

“Former guitarist and founder of the band Connor Wyatt (now playing in Pipeline) was just driving when the word popped into his head. We had to come up with a name ASAP for a uni performance so after two weeks of us all trying, he came up with this and it just stuck. It doesn’t mean anything - to my knowledge - but it’s a cool word.”

How did it feel producing a Debut Album? Was there any challenges you had to overcome?

“Well, big love to our good friend Tom Chalk for working on this Album with us. He’s one of the safest guys and amazing at what he does. We just did the recording, he’s put in the hard work making us sound good! But it’s taken us about two years to get this ready, we’ve been writing and writing and writing and finally decided it was time to compile into an EP. Once we got underway we decided it
would be better to do an album and that’s it! It’s been a crazy experience but all the hard work is
about to pay off.” 

When you were writing did you have anything you wanted to achieve with certain songs or any
particular messages?

“We had no plan when we started writing aside from one song. “Better Life” is the song I knew was
going to be written. It’s about my approach to life after losing my best friend to a battle with cancer
at the age of 15. Ethan was his name, he was a drummer and we were playing in a metal band
together, since the age of 11 until he passed away, and he even convinced me not to give up guitar
at the time. I owe everything to him and this song was a tribute to him and a reflection on how I
wished I’d been at certain points in our long friendship. It took me over 4 years to finally get around
to writing this song, but I knew that we’d have a song inspired by that on the album. 

Another standout song, is “Flay”. It’s easily the heaviest tune on the album, an absolute beast of a
song, our favourite live and it sounds HUGE in studio.” 

Have you had anything come up that put the band in jeopardy? How did you overcome it?

“We’ve had various members come and go as most bands do when starting up. Back in March, our
old bassist left us less than two weeks before we had some gigs due to some personal issues. A
week before the gigs Liam (Guitar) let us know he wouldn’t be able to make the shows due to
important family matters and so Alex (Bass) stepped up to learn all of our songs in two weeks and
producer Tom Chalk helped us out by playing guitar and having to learn everything in one week.
That was probably the most stressful period for us, everything was up in the air and we really hate
cancelling shows and will do everything we can not to do that.” 

What would you say is the best moment you’ve had so far in the band?

“Probably the first time we played “Flay” live. It’s just so heavy, the outro breakdown gets me every
time hahaha!”

And the worst?

Probably the time we had to get Alex and Tom for the gigs, that was a very stressful time.” 

Do you have anything special prepared for The Brunswick?

“It’s our first gig since the beginning of June as Rogelio (drummer) lives in tenerife but lives in
Brighton during term time. We’re absolutely stoked for this and we get to play our entire debut album
in full on the 10th of September! We can’t wait...I’ll also bring some party poppers…”

Thanks for joining us, Is there anything else you would like to say?

“Thank you for having us! We’re very grateful to be on this show and humbled by the other amazing
artists playing with us. The only thing left to say is come to the show, it’s going to be nuts, go and
follow and support all the other performers, and also check out the album when it drops!”

Big Thank You to Cylus who have joined us here today. Cylus will be headlining our Debut Gig @
The Brunswick Cellar Bar, Brighton on the 10th of September. In the meantime you can check them
out on Social media at

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